Philadelphia Dept of Health Food Facility Inspection Report  
Philadelphia Dept of Health/Office of Food Protection
1900 N. 20th St. Phila., PA 19121
No. of Risk Factor/Intervention Violations  Date  10/16/2019
No. of Repeat Risk Factor/Intervention Violations  Time In  09:45 AM
Number of Corrections   1 Time Out  11:40 AM
Food Facility
New World Laundry & Food Market
136 N 10TH ST 19107
(215) 238-1577
Establishment Type
Retail Food: Grocery Market
Kit Fun Law, Inc. 
Corporate Officer
Ka Wing Shun 
  Purpose of Inspection
Inspection Type
IN=in compliance    OUT=not in compliance    N/O=not observed    N/A=not applicable
COS=corrected on-site during inspection    R=repeat violation
 Compliance Status COS R
Demonstration of Knowledge
1 IN Certification by accredited program, compliance with Code, or correct responses    
Employee Health
2 IN Management awareness; policy present    
3 IN Proper use of reporting; restriction & exclusion    
Good Hygienic Practices
4 IN Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use    
5 IN No discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth    
Preventing Contamination by Hazards
6 IN Hands clean & properly washed    
7 IN No bare hand contact with RTE foods or approved alternate method properly followed    
8 IN Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible    
Approved Source
9 IN Food obtained from approved source    
10 IN Food received at proper temperature    
11 IN Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated    
12 IN Required records available: shellstock tags, parasite destruction    
Protection From Contamination
13 IN Food separated & protected    
14 IN Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized    
15 IN Proper disposition of returned, previously served, reconditioned, & unsafe food    
 Compliance Status COS R
Potentially Hazardous Food Time/Temperature
16 IN Proper cooking time & temperature    
17 IN Proper reheating procedures for hot holding    
18 IN Proper cooling time & temperature    
19 IN Proper hot holding temperature    
20 IN Proper cold holding temperature    
21 IN Proper date marking & disposition    
22 IN Time as a public health control; procedures & record    
Consumer Advisory
23 IN Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked foods    
Highly Susceptible Population
24 IN Pasteurized foods used; prohibited foods not offered    
25 IN Food additives: approved & properly used    
26 IN Toxic substances properly identified, stored & used    
Conformance with Approved Procedure
27 IN Compliance with variance, specialized process, & HACCP plan    
Risk factors are improper practices or procedures identified as the most prevalent contributing factors of foodborne illness or injury. Public Health Interventions are control measures to prevent foodborne illness or injury.
Good Retail Practices are preventative measures to control the addition of pathogens, chemicals, and physical objects into foods.
 Compliance Status COS R
Safe Food and Water
28 IN Pasteurized eggs used where required    
29 IN Water & ice from approved source    
30 IN Variance obtained for specialized processing methods    
Food Temperature Control
31 IN Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control    
32 IN Plant food properly cooked for hot holding    
33 IN Approved thawing methods used    
34 IN Thermometer provided & accurate    
Food Identification
35 IN Food properly labeled; original container    
Prevention of Food Contamination
36 OUT Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons   X
37 IN Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display    
38 IN Personal cleanliness    
39 IN Wiping cloths: properly used & stored    
40 IN Washing fruit & vegetables    
Proper Use of Utensils
41 IN In-use utensils: properly stored    
 Compliance Status COS R
Proper Use of Utensils
42 IN Utensils, equipment & linens: properly stored, dried & handled    
43 IN Single-use & single-service articles: properly stored & used    
44 IN Gloves used properly    
Utensils, Equipment and Vending
45 OUT Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, & used   X
46 IN Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained, & used; test strips    
47 IN Non-food contact surfaces clean    
Physical Facilities
48 IN Hot & cold water available; adequate pressure    
49 IN Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices    
50 IN Sewage & waste water properly disposed    
51 IN Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned    
52 IN Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained    
53 OUT Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean   X
54 IN Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used    
Philadelphia Ordinances
56 IN Person in Control of premises has not posted "No Smoking" signs.    
56+ IN Philadelphia Ordinances    
Person in Charge (Signature)    Name:  Toshiko Naha/Eric Law Date: 10/16/2019
Inspector (Signature) M El-Hajmoussa (215) 685-4303 Date: 10/16/2019
Philadelphia Dept of Health Food Facility Inspection Report  
Philadelphia Dept of Health/Office of Food Protection
1900 N. 20th St. Phila., PA 19121
No. of Risk Factor/Intervention Violations  Date  10/16/2019
No. of Repeat Risk Factor/Intervention Violations  Time In  09:45 AM
Number of Corrections   1 Time Out  11:40 AM
Food Facility
New World Laundry & Food Market
136 N 10TH ST 19107
(215) 238-1577
Establishment Type
Retail Food: Grocery Market
Kit Fun Law, Inc. 
Corporate Officer
Ka Wing Shun 
  Purpose of Inspection
Inspection Type
Item/Location Temp Item/Location Temp Item/Location Temp
Beverages / Open Display Case 29.0 ° F /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
/   /   /  
Food Disposal
Food Types Volume Unit Pounds
Violations cited in this report must be corrected within the time frames below.
36 Violation of Code: [46.981(k)(l)] Several small cockroaches were observed in the basement storage area. Repeat Violation.
45 Violation of Code: [46.522] Cardboard was observed being used to line the surfaces of the retail shelving and refrigeration units. Repeat Violation.
53 Violation of Code: [46.981(a)(b)(c)(g)(n)] The following observations were noted:

-Floor cleaning in several areas due to dust and debris: retail area, laundry room area, rear storage area, and basement area.
-Cob webs in several areas: basement area and rear storage area.
-Old cat feces on the floor in the basement storage area. Repeat Violation.
53 Violation of Code: [46.921] Damaged floor tiles in the retail area and laundry room area. Repeat Violation.
Remarks ** Interviewed: Toshiko Naha and Eric Law.
This inspection has revealed that the establishment is not in satisfactory compliance. Corrective action is required to eliminate these violations. Compliance status will be assessed upon reinspection.

Due to imminent health hazards observed during this inspection, the establishment has been issued a Cease Operations Order and must discontinue food operations immediately. The establishment cannot operate for a minimum of 48 hours. The establishment cannot operate until the required fee is paid and the establishment is approved by the Department to resume operations. Please contact the Sanitarian at the phone number listed below for a re-inspection once the violations have been corrected and the fee has been paid.

** The establishment is also a laundry operation. The establishment must discontinue food operations immediately, however may continue to operate their laundry room.
You are required under Section 6-502 of the Philadelphia Health Code to correct the violations listed as noted above. Your failure to correct these violations may result in the revocation of your health license and other legal action. Reinstatement of a revoked health license will require payment of another license fee. An appeal to these orders may be made to the Board of License and Inspection Review, Municipal Services Building, 1401 JFK Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19102-1617
Person in Charge (Signature) Toshiko Naha/Eric Law Date: 10/16/2019
Inspector (Signature) M El-Hajmoussa (215) 685-4303 Date: 10/16/2019